Obtuse Opinion of the Week: Barry Bardone

Herald-Star, 16 Sept 2016
Today's winner of the Obtuse Opinion of the Week award is none other than Barry Bardone, adjutant for the Jefferson County Veterans Association, resident of Bloomingdale, Oh.

The problem with Barry, outside of his ignorance, is that he spews his biased opinions in the form of letters to the Herald-Star editor and then points to the comments left by trolls as though they justify the veracity of his statements. Just as Bardone does not speak for all conservatives or republicans, the trolls do not speak of all those outside those two groups. Sadly, Bardone seems incapable of grasping the concept of 'troll', nor does he appear to grasp the notion that his approach is better suited for r/ShitPoliticsSays.

This brings us to his latest rant: 

To the editor:

The reason progressive/communists are depressed (beside knowing that socialism doesn’t work1) is that they get up every day trying to figure out which restroom to use or what pronoun to call someone — him, her or it? Or, it could be knowing every time their new leader, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, makes an appearance she proves socialism supporters are as stupid as she. They would rather be outraged than informed. JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your county.”2 Today’s progressive-communist message: “I want free stuff.”

Socialism won’t work here because the old, white progressive communists of the Jefferson County Democratic Coalition3 know about Venezuela socialism and don’t want to give up their Charmin toilet tissue.

The July 12 Herald-Star headline, “City experiencing economic development spike,” is a reflection on the great job President Donald Trump, Mayor Jerry Barilla, state Sen. Frank Hoagland, R-Mingo Junction, and visionary entrepreneurs like Mark Nelson are doing for this area.4 What specific economic goals do progressive communists have to improve America?5,6

When one wins a debate with progressive-communists they deflect and call you racist or want harm to come to you. I will expose some of the vile remarks made about my July 8 letter. Their remarks were not a rebuttal of issues. These knuckleheads are afraid to make their malicious threats known to the public, so they sneak them in the comment section.7 One threatened me, advising I should watch my back. Another uninformed fellow traveler of the county’s communist cult hates old people, wishing us to die soon. She should be so thankful her mother didn’t abort her so she could grow old one day too.8

These useful idiots writing these asinine remarks are heroes to their clan.8 One of these cowardly writers did offer an apology. I challenge this pitiful person8 to explain to his cult8 why he apologized.9

America has had generations that stormed beaches to save the world, endured President Lyndon Johnson’s dumb policies, fought in deserts and destroyed ISIS10. Now, America has a generation whose biggest undertaking is to determine what gender they’ll be when they wake up tomorrow.11

Patricia Mossor’s letter of July 8, “Beware right-wing propaganda,” shows she gets her information from CNN and MSNBC — is it the pot calling the kettle black?11 Alberta Mader’s letter of July 8, “Our story must change,” about illegal aliens was so touching — and full of fake news — that I had to break out the violin.8 Candace DeStefano’s letter of July 29, “Be sure to vote Democrat,” is begging for votes because she knows progressive communists lost working-class voters with their silly policies and have to replace them with illegal aliens.12 Does she lock her doors and support abortion — just asking.8,13 For those who suffer from insomnia, read amigo Bob “Trump-derangement-syndrome” Atkinson’s letter of July 29, “Defend behavior at your own peril.” It will surely put you to sleep.

Barry Bardone


- Letter to the Editor, Herald Star, 5 Aug 2018
Let's take a moment to touch upon a few of his points.

1. Socialism does work, albeit not as well as people would like. A perfect example of socialism is Social Security, both for retirees and the disabled.  These people aren't looking for a free ride. Most  elderly people have earned their Social Security by paying into the system during their working years. The disabled are either born with health complication or become disabled due to illness or injury.  

2. Quoting one snippet of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address (January 20, 1961) and posting it - out of context - to suit an argument is a bad idea. 

I needn't remind anyone that Kennedy was a democrat.  Allow me to pull some key points from that address: 
  • JFK speaks of the abolishing of all forms of human poverty, something many republicans are loathe to do.

  • "To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required — not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."

  • So let us begin anew — remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.

  • Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belabouring those problems which divide us.

  • Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.  

  • And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

  • Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
Further, Kennedy supported socialism in the form of assistance to the aged. As a Senator, he drafted a 10-point plan to provide older people with housing, medical care, and recreational facilities. He sat on a special Senate Subcommittee of the aged, as the vice-chairman. He sponsored a bill to provide for hospital, nursing, and medical care for our older citizens. He was hardly a conservative blowhard.

3. The Jefferson County Democratic Coalition is not populated by "old, white, progressive communists".  

The Jefferson County Progressive Democratic Coalition is a unified, inclusive volunteer grassroots organization, dedicated to: 1) Moving forward to strengthen and promote democratic values and ideals. 2) Working for positive change in government through election of Democrats to political office on the local, state and national level.

Referring to them as 'old, white, progressive communists' would be on par with some referring to Bardone as 'a geriatric, white, fascist Neo-Nazi'. Regardless of what opinions I hold for Bardone, I shouldn't imply something that I can't confirm.  Too often, the liberals slap "Nazi" and "Fascist" labels onto all conservatives rather than the ones that actually promote nationalism. One can be a Nationalist and not be a Fascist.  

And, as we've seen with Bardone, the far right will label all democrats as communists.  One can be an egalitarian (all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities) but not support communism (adherence to a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state) or socialism (belief in the political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole).

4. What have President Trump and State Senator Hoagland done to rip steel mills out of Mittal's hands or bring industry back to the area?

All these grand speeches about getting mills running and producing US steel again. By all means, take a look at ISG Weirton, a mill that Mittal all but shut down in favor of having his foreign mills produce lower quality steel at a lesser price. American steel isn't being pushed back by foreign competition; foreign competition owns too many American steel mills. Hundreds of families found themselves unable to thrive once Mittal shut that mill down - it was the sole provider of employment for West Virginians and Buckeyes in the valley.

What have they done to clean up Jefferson County in order to cash in on the lucrative income from the pipeline people?  Have you looked at Follansbee or any of the small, West Virginian villages, townships, and cities on the other side of the river?  They cleaned up their "downtown" areas, encouraged locals to start their own businesses, and supported the workers arriving from out of state. They worked with companies to have locals trained to perform these jobs, and many unemployed mill and coalmine employees were taught how to adapt their skills to the industries' needs. Revenue pours in, locally.

Meanwhile Jefferson County remains impoverished. Nobody wanted to upset the slumlords owning deathtraps in downtown Steubenville, nor their tenants, thus the politicians elected to not cater to the gas industry. Employed people = taxes. With a vast majority of people in downtown Steubenville currently receiving benefits from the state, and very little business due to the high crime rate, there isn't enough tax revenue for the city to replace all the clay pipes.  The city is in crisis because it did not plan well.

I do not lump Mayor Barilla in with my assessment, though Bardone mentioned him.

Mayor Barilla is new to his position. He was not in office when the city made its decisions to do nothing. He is the city's second mayor to be sworn in during the course of 25 years, to give you an idea of the old boy network in the past. He served on Steubenville Revitalization Group board, an organization seeking to improve conditions in the city. In a nutshell,  he's a welcomed change. I wish him the best of luck.

5. Bardone seems to have a pathetic need to label "democrats" as "progressive communists". Darn these conservative fascists! Tongue-in-cheek, people.

6. Democrats laid out their goals in their 2016 platform. This platform will be updated as our nation draws closer to 2020. Bardone seems incapable of using Google.

In particular, the democrats sought to raise incomes and restore economic security for the middle class. They also sought to create good-paying jobs.

7.  "Letters to the editor" (LTE) are not the proper forum for discussion, especially when the Herald-Star removes commentary that challenges the author's insinuations. Try Reddit, Mr Bardone.

8.  Bardone does not understand the concept of "internet troll". He misunderstands it so completely that he isn't even aware that he, in turn, is an internet troll. His entire letter to the editor is just one trollish diatribe.

There are several species of internet troll.  Bardone's behavior falls under the "insult troll" category. He has no valid reason to hate democrats (but every reason to hate the political party).  Bardone broadcasts himself as incapable of separating the party from the person.  He picks on everyone and anyone that isn't a conservative republican – calling them names, accusing them of certain things, doing anything he can to get a negative emotional response from them – just because he can.

In turn, Bardone falls under the scrutiny of other internet trolls. We can't whine about being attacked by trolls if we, in turn, troll people.

9. Bardone should reconsider the use of 'clan' in his statements. I needn't explain why. It would be far better to refer to a group as 'group', 'associates', etc.  If he wanted to pack some punch into his communist-flavored tirade, he could have used 'comrades'.

That aside, Bardone has reached Asshole Level. "I challenged this pitiful person to explain to his cult why he apologized."  Only a asshole would posses such poor manners as to shit on someone's apology. It's even more egregious when they twist it to suit their ego and argument.   

10. Destroyed ISIS? In March of 2018, the BBC reported that the US-led coalition against so-called Islamic State (IS) says 98% of territory once claimed by the jihadist group across Iraq and Syria has been recaptured.

However, ISIS appears to reforming in areas of northern Iraq and has launched attacks in Afghanistan.

11. "Now, America has a generation whose biggest understaking is to determine what gender they'll be when they wake up tomorrow."

Bardone is so completely out of touch with younger generations that he makes sweeping judgements that have no bearing on most of today's youth, young adults, and persons aged 21-35. I would expect someone born in 1946 to have a small bit of disdain for younger generations. I certainly do, and I'm a 70's baby. However, this strawman argument isn't meant to support his position. He's an insult troll.

12. "Candace DeStefano’s letter of July 29, “Be sure to vote Democrat,” is begging for votes because she knows progressive communists lost working-class voters with their silly policies and have to replace them with illegal aliens."

Urging people to vote a party line isn't "begging for votes". It's telling people that they need to step up if their unsatisfied with current events. Further, democrats did not lose working-class voters due to policies, nor are they seeking to replace voters with illegal aliens.

Some democrats and independents did not vote, or else wrote Bernie Sander's name on their ballots. The democrats alienated some voters by pushing Clinton as their candidate - despite Bernie's popularity.  Clinton's team further drew ire by suggesting that a refusal to support Clinton was indicative of an anti-feminist stance.

13. "Does she lock her doors and support abortion — just asking."

Bardone isn't 'just asking'. He is implying and insulting.

I did not read the various LTE written by Ms Mossor, Ms Mader, or Ms DeStefano. I might read them sometime this week and, if they're over-the-top liberal spewing, I'll most likely offer my opinion on this blog.

Barry Bardone is a prime example of why ignorance, bigotry, and division thrive in our society. His frequent "letters to the editor" are more than just derogatory; he goes out of his way to single out and insult members of his community using a local newspaper. His behavior is disgraceful.


More Bardone Braying
Letters to the Editor: 8 July 2018 "Questions about progressives" (he claims he received a cease-and-desist letter from the 'Illuminati Society of the World' for referring to progressives and communists as Illuminati.
Letters to the Editor: 8 Apr 2018 "Questions about progressives"
Letters to the Editor: 12 Nov 2017 "Watch for propaganda"
Letters to the Editor: 10 Sept 2017 "Progressives lack message"
Letters to the Editor: 13 Aug 2017 "Progressives just can seem to win"
Letters to the Editor: 7 May 2017 "Who's really out of touch"  
Letters to the Editor: 9 Nov 2014 "Elections have consequences"

